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TGIF Grant Application

Credit Union of America is pleased to offer Teach, Grow and Inspire the Future (TGIF) grants. Below you will find a grant application. Please review the rules and suggestions listed before completing the application.

A task force of Credit Union of America employees and volunteer members will be responsible for reviewing the applications. If your proposal is selected for funding, we ask that you let Credit Union of America know the outcome of your project. Credit Union of America hopes to enhance the educational process by offering financial aid to those who wish to supplement the regular curriculum with special activities. TGIF is funded by a portion of the interest paid on CUA’s Give Back credit card program.

Thank you for the many contributions you make to the young people of our community. We look forward to receiving your application and supporting your program.

Credit Union of America


  • Membership at CUA required. Open a Savings to join today!
  • Grants of up to $1,000 are available to CUA members who are certified teachers in the state of Kansas.
  • Your name will appear ONLY on the cover of the application.
  • Grant recipients are not eligible for grant funds in consecutive semesters.
  • Please feel free to duplicate this grant application.
  • There is no limit on the number of grant requests one teacher can submit, however only one is eligible to win per application period.
  • Grant deadlines are March 1 and October 1 of each year. Recipients will be notified by May 15 and December 15, respectively.
  • When applicable, grant awards will be disbursed to the recipient's employing public school or district at the time of funding allocation. Please note that private or parochial school educators will receive grant funds directly. Should you directly receive any grants or prizes from Credit Union of America in excess of $600 in the same year, you may be responsible to report this to the IRS as income. A 1099 tax form will be provided to you. For questions, please consult a tax professional.

Thank you for your interest in our grant program. 

Not sure where to start? Click here to see what a winning grant application looks like!

* - indicates required fields

Grant Application Cover Sheet

REMINDER: Please refrain from the use of your name, your school’s name, or any other identifying words/marks in the body of the application. Thank You.

Grant Application

(Members may request up to $1,000 in grant funds)

Type a brief description of your project and what you hope to accomplish with this project.(In your description do not include the name of your school or your name).

(Do not include the name of your school or your name)

By submitting this application, I authorize Credit Union of America to use my photograph, my name, and/or other information shared in an interview or on this application should I be awarded a grant. I also understand that if my combined award(s) is valued over $600 in one calendar year, I will receive a 1099 form from CUA for tax purposes, as my prize(s) will be reportable for IRS purposes. CUA does not publish or share publicly information such as account numbers, balances, phone numbers, addresses or other sensitive personal information.

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