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Nurse Exam Grant Application

Credit Union of America's Nurse Exam Grant program provides winning applicants with a voucher that will cover the cost of the NCLEX RN or NCLEX LPN exams. The NCLEX exams are tests that all nurses must pass for licensure in the state of Kansas. This initiative replaces CUA’s previous program, which provided funding for continuing education for nurses, as we discovered that many of our healthcare partners already offer that type of support to their employees.

Applications are accepted until funds are depleted. Funds for the program will renew annually. Grants will be awarded or denied within 14 days of application submission. 

  • Available for the NCLEX RN and NCLEX LPN exams.
  • Funds cannot be backdated for NCLEX exams previously taken.
  • Applicants must be CUA members in good standing. Not a member? Open a Savings to join today.
  • Limit one Nurse Exam Grant per lifetime.

Nurse Exam Grant Application

* - indicates required field

Which exam are you taking?

I certify all of the above information is correct

By submitting this application, I authorize Credit Union of America to use my photograph, my name, and/or other information shared in an interview or on this application should I be awarded a grant. I also understand that if my combined award(s) is valued over $600 in one calendar year, I will receive a 1099 form from CUA for tax purposes, as my prize(s) will be reportable for IRS purposes. CUA does not publish or share publicly information such as account numbers, balances, phone numbers, addresses or other sensitive personal information.

Prove you're not a robot.*